twenty-one. In a bus: A reclined passenger seat usually offers a better night sleep than stretching across the backseat….
twenty. confidence is sexy, arrogance is not. true humility is refreshing and inviting; fake humility has the opposite affect….
nineteen. give ear to people who think differently than you…
eighteen. true friends are to be wisely chosen, valiantly treasured, and held with open hands…..
seventeen. Enlace in chemical bonding and mutual bonding…..
sixteen. Litmus paper changes colour so does life….
fifteen. People are more similar than they are different. Looking anyone in the eyes with love, compassion, respect, and dignity is one of the greatest gifts you can mutually give to that person and to yourself…..
Fourteen. Be open to learning from anyone, especially observe: children, old people, and yourself in the wake of "failure" -- irreplaceable teachers!
Thirteen. Till now ass meant donkey, dick meant a character in The Famous Five, chick meant a sweet cute hen….looking on the other side of the window….
twelve. Finding ‘x’ , why don’t maths go and find himself…
eleven Mischief is a spice of life. Weigh the consequences and proceed….
ten on a see-saw, high but still have to touch the sky…
nine. grace is the lubricant of all functional relationships….
eight. . if someone tells you to beware of his/her nasty-mean dog... that's not code for "here's a good challenge, try to make a new friend!"
seven. laughter, honesty, and time: good medicines for grief….
six. Some things are really hard to explain: Pluto the non-planet, wind blows, racism and equality, any relation between carbon dating AND new earth theory, the train of diagnostic thought on any of the recent Shaktiman episodes, the purpose of mosquitoes, the meaning of double rainbows, the genius of boomerangs, and.. "Sir" Edward Newton. Many conversations (though I'll still attempt to engage them) are over my head…
five. If you don't have a clue what people are talking about, it's usually better to just admit it….
four. If you bring home a new word, and (hypothetically speaking) try it out at the dinner table and get this response, "WHAT did you say?"... the appropriate thing to do NEVER is to repeat the word with greater volume and surety.
three. If you get an obvious haircut and people don't compliment your new look, it's probably NOT because they didn't notice.
two. Crawling is not enough... u need to stand…standing is not enough u need to stand high
one. Faith, Hope, and Love are the truest currencies... they are to be wholeheartedly gained and diligently invested.